Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
VI To VIII language (PARA and NON PARA) List | VI To VIII language (PARA and NON PARA) List from DSE office Ramgarh. |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
VI To VII Arts (PARA and NON PARA) List | VI To VII Arts(PARA and NON PARA) List from DSE office, Ramgarh |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
General Instruction/Notice | General Instruction/Notice about Teacher Appointment from DSE office, Ramgarh |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
I To V Urdu PARA List | I To V Urdu PARA List from DSE office, Ramgarh |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
I To V Hindi PARA List | I To V Hindi PARA List from DSE office, Ramgarh |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
I To V Hindi Non PARA List | I To V Hindi Non PARA List from DSE office, Ramgarh |
15/05/2019 | 23/05/2019 | |
D.P.E. Qualified Para Teacher List | D.P.E. Qualified Para Teacher List from D.E.O., Ramgarh |
30/03/2019 | 15/05/2019 | |
GNM Exam Result, Held on 30-12-2018 | Office of the Civil Surgeon Cum CMO, Ramgarh |
30/12/2018 | 31/03/2019 | View (3 MB) |
Result of BDM | From Office of the Civil Surgeon Cum CMO, Ramgarh |
23/01/2019 | 31/03/2019 | View (129 KB) |
Result of DEO ( Data Entry Oprater ) | From Office of the Civil Surgeon Cum CMO, Ramgarh |
23/01/2019 | 31/03/2019 | View (226 KB) |