

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Marks obtained by the candidates of MGNREGA skill test for the Post of ACCOUNTANT. Advt. No-01/2023

Marks obtained by the candidates of MGNREGA skill test for the Post of ACCOUNTANT. Advt. No-01/2023

10/08/2024 10/09/2024 View (104 KB)
Marks obtained by the candidates of MGNREGA skill test for the Post of J.E. Advt. No-01/2023

Marks obtained by the candidates of MGNREGA skill test for the Post of J.E. Advt. No-01/2023

10/08/2024 10/09/2024 View (150 KB)
Final merit list for the post of Chowkidar(ADVT.01/2022)

Final merit list for the post of Chowkidar(ADVT.01/2022)

06/08/2024 01/09/2024 View (1 MB)
OMR Sheet of Written Exam held on 10.08.2024 for the Recruitment of MGNREGA ( Adv. No. – 01/2023)

OMR Sheet of Written Exam held on 10.08.2024 for the Recruitment of MGNREGA ( Adv. No. – 01/2023)

10/08/2024 31/08/2024 View (65 KB)
Revised Provisional List For the post of JE under MGNREGA Recruitment (Adv. No- 01/2023)

Revised Provisional List For the post of JE under MGNREGA Recruitment (Adv. No- 01/2023)

21/08/2024 31/08/2024 View (733 KB)
Meeting Proceeding related to MGNREGA Recruitment ( Adv. No. – 01/2023)

Meeting Proceeding related to MGNREGA Recruitment ( Adv. No. – 01/2023)

22/08/2024 31/08/2024 View (767 KB)
Merit list and Notice for the Post of Chowkidar Exam held on 28-07-2024 Adv. No-01/2022

Merit list and Notice for the Post of Chowkidar Exam held on 28-07-2024 Adv. No-01/2024

29/07/2024 30/08/2024 View (9 MB) Public Notice (508 KB)
Total obtained marks and Photograhs of candidates after the physical proficiency and written test of Chowkidar recruitment, Adv. No- 01/2022

Total obtained marks and Photograhs of candidates after the physical proficiency and written test of Chowkidar recruitment, Adv. No- 01/2022

30/07/2024 30/08/2024 View (2 MB) Photo_of_Candidates (1 MB)
In light of the applications received for the contract-based positions of Block Program Officer, Technical Assistant (equivalent to Assistant Engineer), Technical Assistant (equivalent to Junior Engineer), Accounts Assistant, and Computer Assistant under MNREGA, the eligibility of candidates has been reviewed following the resolution of objections and claims. The preliminary/provisional merit list of applications is now published for a second round of claim objections.

In light of the applications received for the contract-based positions of Block Program Officer, Technical Assistant (equivalent to Assistant Engineer), Technical Assistant (equivalent to Junior Engineer), Accounts Assistant, and Computer Assistant under MNREGA, the eligibility of candidates has been reviewed following the resolution of objections and claims. The preliminary/provisional merit list of applications is now published for a second round of claim objections.

30/07/2024 30/08/2024 View (117 KB) JE Accepted list_compressed (7 MB) BPO Accepted list_compressed (5 MB) Account Assistant Accepted list (3 MB) Account Assistant Rejected list (2 MB) AE Accepted list (7 MB) Computer Assistant Accepted list (3 MB) Computer Assistant Rejected list (2 MB) JE Rejected list (7 MB) BPO Rejected list (8 MB) AE Rejected list (5 MB)
Provisional list of Inter level category wise (para / non para) and appointment of graduate level category wise / language wise / (para / non para) teachers.

Provisional list of Inter level category wise (para / non para) and
appointment of graduate level category wise / language wise / (para / non para) teachers.

30/07/2024 30/08/2024 View (308 KB) 1-5 Hindi (1 MB) Urdu 1-5 (584 KB) Urdu 6-8 (614 KB) 6-8 Arts (641 KB) 6-8 Language (2 MB) 6-8 Science (6 MB) Not Found in DATABASE (467 KB)